Tuesday, December 02, 2003

People who write letters to the NY Times

Here’s part of a letter from Pound Ridge, NY: “The reason conservatives will not stay in power long is simple: the majority of voters do not agree with their basic tenets. Their success must therefore rest on deception. Eventually, voters will unmask the truth.”

It’s a particular mental condition of the bi-coastal liberal left to believe that the only reason Republicans win elections is through deception and conspiracy. Such is their state of consternation: it is simply inconceivable to them that conservative policies are more attractive than their moral positions of high taxes and fealty to the United Nations. Texans are as far away from the American liberal philosophy as Australian aborigines.

This mental illness doesn’t exist only in the comfortable enclaves of New York suburbs or Berkeley. It’s on display for all to see in Paul Krugman’s latest column. Poor lefties…what on earth are they going to do after the 2004 election? Perhaps we could sponsor a one-way cruise to France on November 3rd, 2004. Alec Baldwin, Michael Moore, and Barbra Streisand: your ship is waiting!

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