Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Don’t Stop Dean

I agree! Here’s William Safire in the NY Times:

There are now three de facto political parties in the U.S. In order of present strength, these are:

(1) The Republican Party, in control of all three branches of government and most of the statehouses, fat and sassy because the economy is rising and the war is being won.

(2) The Dean-Internet Party, its Bush-despising base so energized as to be frenetic, its leader happy to be the apostle of anger, its bandwidth bandwagon gaining momentum with each pulse of its cursing cursor.

(3) The Old Democratic Party, its base off base, its leadership fractured, its third-way ideology — vainly espoused by the Clintonian Democratic Leadership Council — a lost cause without a rebel voice.

Safire fears that if Dean is not the Democrats' nominee, he’ll split off as a third-party spoiler (Nader was a piker!) and help the GOP to tighten its iron grip across America! Yes! [evil laughter]

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