Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Derrick Jackson, unbelievable asshat

In an article titled “Against the war, for the soldiers” the Boston Globe columnist disguises East-coast condescension as faux concern, concluding with this unreal graf:

When you can, take a hard look at the Iraqi man, woman, or child your gun is pointed at. You are in Iraq under the orders of the commander in chief. I cannot do anything about that. What I can wish for is that even as many Christians prepare to sing "Peace on earth, goodwill to men," that you find a way, one soldier at a time, to bring it to Iraq. I pray that babies stop killing babies.

Jackson could have stopped and his column would have been merely execrable. That final sentence – I’d like to hear somebody argue otherwise – brands American soldiers as baby killers. Merry Christmas, dickwad.

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