Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Dean on the defensive

From the Boston Globe: “A speed bump for Dean in capture of Saddam

I preferred Dean's more indecisive period just after Baghdad fell last April, when he confessed ambiguity when asked if the United States was better off with Saddam toppled from power. His more recent discovery of the view that it really is a good thing he's gone is more troubling because it raises the obvious question of how you can claim credit for having been against something whose main result you consider good.

And here’s David Brooks in today’s NYT:

Dean tried yesterday to show how sober and serious he could be. In fact, he has never appeared so much the dreamer, so clueless about the intellectual and cultural divides that really do confront us and with which real presidents have to grapple.

Tom Oliphant in the Globe makes the case that developments in Iraq could shake up the race in New Hampshire while Andrew Sullivan advises Joe Lieberman to make a strong case for his pro-war stance. Things could get interesting.

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