Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Daily Kos says: “What polls?”

On the right margin of Daily Kos is a section called “Poll Watch” that tracks President Bush’s approval/disapproval numbers. It hasn’t been updated for nearly a month; why is that? Let’s compare with the most recent approval/disapproval numbers via Real Clear Politics.

Daily Kos Fox News (11/18-19): 52% / 41% (+11)
Real Clear Politics Fox News (12/4-6): 52% / 34% (+18)

DK Gallup (11/14-16): 50% / 47% (+3)
RCP Gallup (12/5-7): 55% / 43% (+12)

DK NBC News/Wall Street Journal (11/8-10): 51% / 44% (+7)
RCP NBC/WSJ (12/13): 52% / 41% (+11)
RCP NBC/WSJ (12/15): 58% / 34% (+24)

Hey, like Polipundit, I don’t think these polls are all that meaningful and a year is a lifetime in politics. But if you’re going to have a poll watch, shouldn’t you be a little more honest in updating the numbers?

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