Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Wednesdays are for W

If it seems a little gratuitous to ask to support President Bush with donations while his campaign chest is flush with cash, consider this recent statement from billionaire George Soros (via Blogs for Bush):

Asked whether he would trade his $7 billion fortune to unseat Bush, Soros opened his mouth. Then he closed it. The proposal hung in the air: Would he become poor to beat Bush?

He said, "If someone guaranteed it."

Soros is pouring money into the left wing MoveOn organization, as well as other groups specifically assembled to oppose the White House (in the process, making a mockery of campaign finance reform). You can bet that Soros will be joined by Michael Moore, Barbra Streisand, and Power Rangers mogul Haim Saban. Visit the George W. Bush re-election website and show your support today. Then visit these other websites that support a Bush victory in 2004:

Backcountry Conservative
Boots and Sabers
Bowling for Howard Dean (unofficial blog)
Bush-Cheney 2004 (unofficial blog)
Freedom of Thought
The Hedgehog Report
The Irish Lass
Jeremy Kissel
Left Coast Conservative
Mark Kilmer
Matt Margolis
The Ole Miss Conservative
A Rice Grad
Ryne McClaren
Southern Conservatives
Stephen Blythe
Viking Pundit
The Wise Man Says
Miller's Time
Sarcastic Southerner
Reagan Country
Blogs for Bush
Pardon My English
Spot On

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