Saturday, November 15, 2003

The silver linings

Well, it looks like Bobby Jindal is going to lose to Kathleen Blanco in the race to be Louisiana's governor. With about 90% of the polls in, Blanco has a 52%-48% advantage - see results here).

But wait a moment: last month, after the California recall race, Democrats were telling us that there's a strong anti-incumbent feeling in America and that this would translate into President Bush's defeat in 2004. Since Blanco is the Lt. Gov. of Louisiana, this isn't exactly a "throw the bums out" mentality. So which is it?

Extra - the other silver lining. Polipundit: "If Jindal had won, DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe would have lost his job. Now he can stay on and be as incompetent as ever."

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