Sunday, November 16, 2003

Kerry on the attack in Iowa

The Boston Globe has this article about the Iowa rallies - "Touting his own record, Kerry takes new tack against Bush, Dean"

"They [Roosevelt, Truman, etc.] offered hope and leadership and vision, and that's what we need to offer to the country next year," Kerry said last night at the annual Jefferson-Jackson party dinner. "We need to offer answers, not just anger. We need to offer solutions, not just slogans. So Iowa, don't just send them a message next January -- send them a president. We need somebody who can do the job."

I agree, Senator, but when the Democratic candidates are asked for their solutions, they don't give any. It's not enough to say the U.S. needs to include the United Nations without explaining how our Iraq policy can be conducted if the U.N. says "no." Beyond that, it's all slogans and static.

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