Saturday, November 29, 2003

The perpetual humor of the NY Times Corrections page

From the Sunday edition:

An article last Sunday about the differing covers on the American and British editions of a book by Paul Krugman, the economist and Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times, Page, referred incorrectly to a caricature on the British version. According to groups that distribute the image, the drawing of Vice President Dick Cheney, with the words "Got Oil" on his forehead and a dark mustache, was intended to evoke the "Got Milk" advertising campaign, not to suggest a comparison with Hitler.

Oh, no no no! You see, he was drinking oil! It's a joke.

Extra: Don Luskin has the U.S. and U.K. covers here and Robert Musil recaps the controversy at his site with a post titled "About that Mustache."

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