Saturday, November 29, 2003

Jesse Jackson succumbs to the Messiah complex

Via Instapundit comes this story from Chicago: "Protesters turn on Jesse Jackson during rally" Here's the best (worst) part:

Afterwards ABC7's Rob Johnson asked Reverend Jackson why he felt like so much verbal venom was aimed in his direction.

"They lashed out at Dr. King, they lashed out at Nelson Mandela, they lashed out at Jesus, so all of those who fight for change become the object of frustration," said Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow-Push Coalition.

Damn. I mean DAMN! People tell me that *I* have a big ego.

By the way, how many corporations did Jesus shakedown for lucrative payoff deals? Was turning water into wine all part of a scheme to put pressure on Budweiser?

Extra: Pejman has some thoughts.

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