Monday, November 03, 2003

Massachusetts – Land of many Democrats and one Republican (besides me)

But, as Faux Politik points out, that one Republican has the governor’s seat. Enobarbus links to a Boston Globe article wondering why heavily Democratic Massachusetts refuses to elect a Dem governor. I’ll venture a guess: the voters in the Bay State understand that the only thing that keeps Massachusetts from turning into a purely Communist state is the counterbalance of a Republican in the governor’s office.

On a related note, that’s why I believe that Haley Barbour will be elected the next governor from Mississippi. The legislature in Ole Miss is controlled by the Democrats so I feel that voters will bring in a Republican governor to counterbalance power in Jackson. Currently, there’s the fear in the Barbour campaign that if neither candidate gets 50% of the vote, the election will be thrown to the legislature who will put their man in office, just like they did four years ago.

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