Monday, November 03, 2003

First Sullivan, now Steyn

John Kerry’s “fraudulent coalition” comment really boils the blood of Andrew Sullivan and now Mark Steyn:

The really ''fraudulent'' coalition is the one Kerry wants: one that gives the Belgians and Syrians a veto over U.S. action for nothing in return. The ''fraudulent'' coalition is Clark's from the Kosovo war, where all ''allies'' were entitled to advance operational information regardless of whether they were actually contributing to any of the operations, and where, as Clark himself noted in his memoir, ''one of the French officers working at NATO headquarters had given key portions of the operations plans to the Serbs.''

I can stand anything from politicians except being taken for an idiot. The wackos end of the Democratic field -- Kucinich and Co. -- are admirably straightforward. But when Kerry says that his vote for war wasn't a vote for war, he's insulting every Democratic voter.

I’m not prepared to say that Kerry is toast – I think New Hampshire will make that obvious in two months – but I’m starting to think I should refocus my energies on Howard “Rebel Yell” Dean.

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