Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Panic sets in: Election Strategy Challenges Democratic Party Unity in CA

"I want every single Democrat in the state, when you go to vote next week, you go vote no on recall. I don't want to hear one single Democrat voting yes on recall," McAuliffe said.

But polls suggested a sizable number of Democrats were considering just that, prompting the Davis team to suggest privately that Bustamante withdraw from the race. Democratic sources told Fox News that Davis officials told top Democratic donors on Tuesday that Bustamante's dropping out of the race would lift Davis' numbers by 10 points. Those same sources said most Democratic donors ignored the pitch, primarily because they saw Bustamante as the only way to draw Latino voters to the polls and increase overall Democratic turnout.

But others have said that Democratic officials have grown frustrated with Bustamante's campaign -- which has been rocked by campaign finance violations -- and have turned more toward a "save Davis" strategy.

Let’s see…there’s denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. I think they’re in Stage 3 right now.

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