Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Terry McAuliffe’s shifting job description

Here he is in February 2001: “We have to win elections. As your party chair, that's my mission - winning elections.”

And here he is on Meet the Press, Sept. 7th, 2003: “My job is the chief cheerleader of the party. We’re going to win everything. That’s my job. My other job is also to raise an awful lot of money.”

He probably doesn’t have a future as a prognosticator:

MR. RUSSERT: Terry McAuliffe predictions from 2002 on MEET THE PRESS: “I think we’re going to win the House back.” The Democrats last six seats. “We’re going to net seats in the Senate.” The Democrats lost two seats.


And this in November 2002:

Tim Russert: Now, you said in The New York Times last week, "Jeb Bush is gone." You want to take those words back?

DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe: Of course not. I'm very excited about what's going on in Florida.

Russert: He's going to lose, guaranteed?

McAuliffe: Yep.

And now this:

"I support the lieutenant governor out here, he is going to win on question two. It's going to be a great day for us. We win on question one -- no takes the vote -- and Cruz will get the most votes on question two," he said.

There you go: the McAuliffe kiss of death.

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