Thursday, October 02, 2003

Don't like Kerry

A liberal acquaintance of mine (oh, he’ll claim he’s a “libertarian” but we know the truth) asked me why I dislike John Kerry so much. Part of the reason is that Kerry (and Kennedy) view Western Massachusetts as an abstract notion – someplace to visit once every six years when an election approaches. Another aspect that bugs the hell out of me is Kerry’s complete inability to take a stand on an issue (thus, the references to “Senator Splunge.”) And finally there’s the reason elaborated in this article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution by another decorated Vietnam veteran: “Two honored Vietnam vets now dishonor their nation.”

Happily, I don’t think Kerry has a chance in 2004. He’s going to lose New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina; by then, he’ll be damaged goods and out of contention. Even Kos says he’s “on the bubble” and should maybe think about dropping out for the good of the Democrats.

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