Sunday, August 10, 2003

The WashPost rips Gore's speech

The main editorial in the Washington Post today was titled "Mr. Gore's Blurred View" and there's nary a kind word for the former vice-president. My favorite part:

This notion -- that we were all somehow bamboozled into war -- is part of Mr. Gore's larger conviction that Mr. Bush has put one over on the nation, and not just with regard to Iraq.

You can see why he might want to think so. Mr. Gore believes, for example, that the Patriot Act represents "a broad and extreme invasion of our privacy rights in the name of terrorism." But then how to explain that 98 senators -- including all four Democratic senators now running for president -- voted for it? The president's economic and environmental policies represent an "ideologically narrow agenda" serving only "powerful and wealthy groups and individuals who manage to work their way into the inner circle."

But then why do so many other people support those policies? Mr. Gore has an umbrella explanation, albeit one that many Americans might find a tad insulting: "The administration has developed a highly effective propaganda machine to embed in the public mind mythologies. . . . "

There's also a little slam on John Kerry in the concluding paragraph, so it had everything. I caught most of Gore's speech on C-Span and Gore was just pandering to the audience, like a man starved for affirmation. Poor Al.

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