Monday, August 11, 2003

"It turned out to be a really phony organization"

California attorney and talk show host Leo Terrell has done volunteer legal work for the NAACP for 13 years. But he supports California Judge Carolyn Kuhl who has been nominated by President Bush to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. It turns out the civil rights organization isn’t tolerant…of other viewpoints:

"In a nutshell, I got a call from legal counsel in Washington, basically saying I am not an NAACP attorney. I said I have been volunteering my time for 13 years," said Terrell. "They said that the NAACP does not endorse Kuhl, and I said, 'That’s funny, because I do.'"

He said the message was implicit — drop the endorsement or leave the NAACP off your resume. "It’s really horrible, this is two guys back in Washington calling me out here telling me to drop my endorsement or don’t call yourself an NAACP attorney."

So he decided to take their advice and quit

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