Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I thought Kerry was bad!

Here’s a report from today’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Gephardt has missed more House votes than rivals during campaign

WASHINGTON - Rep. Richard Gephardt is ahead of his Democratic presidential rivals in at least one arena: the number of votes missed since he launched his campaign for the White House.

Gephardt, D-St. Louis County, has missed 162 House votes, or nearly 85 percent, since the beginning of the 108th Congress in January, according to a running tally by the Republican National Committee

Holy cow – 85% of the votes! If I was from Missouri, I would ask Gephardt to “Show Me” the money (his Congressional salary that is.)

What about the other Democrats vying to give a concession speech?

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., ranked second on the latest GOP committee list, missing 63 Senate votes, or 34 percent, so far this year. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., has missed 40 votes, or 22 percent. Sens. John Edwards, D-N.C., has missed 22 votes, or 12 percent, and Bob Graham, D-Fla., whose presidential bid got off to a late start, has missed 11 votes, or 6 percent.

Let’s see, as a Massachusetts resident, I pay for Senator Kerry’s $154,700 annual salary. He’s been absent for 34% of the votes – looks like I should be getting a $52,600 rebate!

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