Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Bush on course for second term

That’s the assessment of UPI Senior News Analyst Martin Sieff in this article.

The first and main reason for this is very simple. As Nicholas Murray Butler, future president of Columbia University, said of the attempt to deny the Republican vice presidential nomination to Theodore Roosevelt in 1900, "You can't beat someone with no one." Bush is very clearly "someone." The Democrats are still stuck with no one.

But what about Senator Splunge?

Every time Kerry opens his mouth, it is as if all his listeners have just taken an overdose of Valium. He addresses every public gathering as if it was a solemn committee hearing in Congress. He just cannot lighten up. He has enough negative charisma to equal all of Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan's positive excess of this quality.

C’mon now! He’s at least as charismatic as Michael Dukakis…..zzzzzzzzzz

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