Friday, April 04, 2003

Denise Rich for

Here's a blurb from today's NY Post "Page Six" section:

Things were calmer uptown at Denise Rich's Fifth Avenue aerie where she and Russell Simmons hosted a benefit for the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

Yes, that Denise Rich, wife of fugitive Clinton-pardon-recipient Marc Rich

Let's recall a moment in time from Denise Rich's past, back when she won the Slate "Whopper of the Week" award.

To emphasize this last point, Chatterbox, a known Democrat, kicks off "Whopper of the Week" with a Democrat's lie: Clinton fund-raiser Denise Rich's denial, through a spokesman, that she had anything to do with Bill Clinton's last-minute pardon of her ex-husband, the fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich.

"Denise was totally taken by surprise. It's not something she really wanted. It's not something she would have used her clout for."
--Denise Rich's publicist, Bobby Zarem, as reported in the Jan. 23 New York Daily News.

"Exile for 17 years is enough. Marc has made the lives of countless others better."
--Dec. 6 letter from Denise Rich to Bill Clinton, as quoted in the Jan. 23 New York Times.

Thus proving once again that the ultimate oxymoron is "Ethical Clintonite" (not to be confused with "Ethnic Clintonite" like our first black president.)

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