Friday, April 04, 2003

America before New Hampshire

David Skinner takes down the Beastie Boys in today’s version of “Stardumb”, but saves some powder for John Kerry:

In the other story making the rounds, Senator John Kerry (our first politician!) qualifies for honorary mention in the Stardumb roll by telling voters in New Hampshire: "What we need now is not just a change of regime in Saddam Hussein, but we need a regime change in the United States." The comment was part of a longer complaint in which he accused Bush of short-circuiting diplomatic efforts to resolve the Iraq problem, thus causing a "breach of trust" with diplomats and world leaders.

How inappropriate to be pissing on the president at the height of war. Moreover, how revolting that Kerry would equate Saddam and Bush, the Baath regime and the current occupants of the White House, the aims of a foreign war with his hope to become the next president, and so on.

Also, it seems entirely possible that John Kerry doesn't know the meaning of the word regime--he must think it means administration. If, by chance, John Kerry does know the meaning of the word regime, it's a wonder that, given his views, he holds any elective office under our constitutional regime.

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