Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Democrats: Increasingly detached from reality

Here’s Tony Blankley in the Washington Times

At a time when polls show 80 percent of the public (and over 60 percent of self-identified Democrats) approve of Mr. Bush's handling of the Iraq war, the Democratic activists are feeling an "exasperated ambivalence." At a time when three out of four Americans approve the job the president is doing overall as president, "every major institutional player in the Democrats' orbit" believe his presidency is "an unmitigated disaster."

And here’s a quote from today’s Boston Globe:

From the presidential trail to the halls of Congress, Democrats have already decided that Bush's military success in the Iraq war will not translate into political strength at home. They are ready to attack the administration's economic record and fight against Bush's tax-cut proposal in Congress.

I sense a Mondale-esque "I'll raise your taxes" stance coupled with "We bravely opposed the war" will do wonders for the Democrats' chances in 2004.

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