Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Bill Clinton – the shrinking ex-President

Vincent over at Insignificant Thoughts runs through Clinton’s prevarications on his last 60 Minutes appearance (e.g. “I tried to catch Bin Laden”), but the Pejman really drives it home with a post titled “It Must Really Suck to Be Bill Clinton

You would think that someone who is supposed to be some kind of political genius would recognize that criticism of the current President’s foreign policy would look peevish and defensive. Clinton has entered the worst level of hell for him: irrelevancy. Jimmy Carter has his Nobel Prize, Hillary is a Senator, and three-quarters of Americans think Dubya is going a bang-up job. Meanwhile, Big Bill tries to fight back the whispering of “why couldn’t Clinton do in eight years what Bush did in two?” It’s going to be a long, lonely, ex-Presidency for Clinton.

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