Friday, January 10, 2003

The Wall Street Journal weighs in on the Chuck Schumer / Charles Pickering renomination fight. Here's an encouraging excerpt from the concluding paragraph of their editorial:

Democrats defeated Mr. Pickering the first time on a 10-9 party-line vote in Judiciary, even though they know he would have won on the floor. Now that they are in the minority, they are threatening a filibuster strategy that would take judicial politics to a whole new level of enmity. Since 1949, a study by the Congressional Research Service shows the only successful filibuster against a judge was in 1968, when Strom Thurmond used it against Abe Fortas, LBJ's nominee for Supreme Court Chief Justice. Call him Strom Schumer.

The editorial, much more straighforwardly than I did (below), accuses Schumer of racial politics and shows how thin his case against Pickering is. If one can presume that one of the reasons the Democrats were beaten so badly in the midterm elections was due to their obstructionism in the judicial nomination process, this vapid attack against Pickering is sure to backfire, especially once the facts get out. Bring it on, Chuck.

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