Friday, January 10, 2003

On the December 14th edition of "The McLaughlin Group", John McLaughlin concluded the show with this prediction: "I predict a new TV series premiering in January, "Mister Sterling," created by our own very Lawrence O'Donnell, will be a break-away hit of 2003."

Boy, I'll take that bet. McLaughlin was being kind to one of his panelists who is a writer/producer for the new show. NBC has been advertising the dickens out of this "West Wing" meets "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" so they must also think they have a hit on their hands.

Here's my prediction: this show will be a huge flop.

I mean, just look at these commercials. The characters are so cartoonish (the cynical old pols, the bewildered aides, the idealistic white knight) and the dialogue is drivel. How many weeks can Americans stand a plot where the young Senator stands up against bad-old Washington?

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