Thursday, January 23, 2003

Holy Jennifer Lopez’s ass! Bill Whittle gets medieval on all those half-wit, insulated celebrities we love to hate over at Eject! Eject! Eject! – a must-read essay (length warning: I cut and pasted to Microsoft Word and it came out to 13 pages).

Whittle notes that part of the reason celebrities are allowed to blather on about Iraq and animal rights is because nobody challenges their malformed assumptions: “These are people who can afford to employ armies of willing Smithers’ to ensure that this exact thing never happens.”

This stated truth reminded me of one of the Academy Award ceremonies when David Letterman was hosting. Insufferable lefties Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins were about to present an Oscar and Letterman introduced them thusly: “Pay attention. I’m sure they’re pissed off about something.”

Oh. My. Heck. – the cohabitating couple, clearly shocked by the introduction, paused and (you can see it in their faces) abandoned whatever they were going to say before shifting into a sterile reading of the nominee list. Sweet mercy, how I laughed.

Does anyone else remember that? I didn’t dream it, did I?

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