Thursday, January 23, 2003

"Eric Shrugged"

Reading through the news this morning, I’m suddenly struck with the awareness that we’re living in an Ayn Rand world right now. President Bush is Howard Roark and Condoleezza Rice, with her brilliant piece in the New York Times today, is Dagny Taggart. They are confident, uncompromising, and independent, driven towards a goal. Meanwhile, they’re confronted by a chorus of characters who say no-no-no, you can’t do that. Go slow…change must be made gradually.

"I think it would be a huge mistake if the president went forward without the support of our allies and the United Nations,” Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota told reporters.
"I think you'd get a majority voice that would say if they had a chance to counsel the president personally, they'd say Mr President, cool it," [Senator Joe] Biden said.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, in a speech in Los Angeles, said "the massive increase" of U.S. troops in the Gulf indicated that "regardless of the findings of the U.N. inspectors, the president may well intend to use military force to bring about regime change ... This is deeply disturbing."

France, Germany resist Iraq War Calls

U.S. increasingly isolated over Iraq

What’s notable is not that these nay-sayers think the U.S. is wrong on Iraq, just that we’re going too fast. Yes, they nod, Hussein’s a bad guy, but give the inspectors more time. The nuclear scientists don’t want to leave the country – what can you do? They forgot about those chemical warheads. Those nuclear plans are old. Bush is a cowboy. You can’t go it alone. What do the Belgians think? Cool it. Slow down. More time…more time…more time.

The U.S. is going to war, soon, and when we’re done the whole world will breath a grateful sigh of relief. Except for the Saudis.

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