Sunday, September 22, 2024

The invisible candidate

CNN: "Kamala Harris to skip historic Al Smith Dinner in New York before election, campaign official says."  Of course.

More - Speaking of hiding: "WH Press Corps Explodes at KJP on Biden's 'Photo-Ops,' 'No Press Conferences' at Delaware Summit."  That's adorable, the White House press corps doing its


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    CNN: "Kamala Harris to skip historic Al Smith Dinner in New York before election, campaign official says." Of course.

    Your focus is hilarious, coming right after Donald Trump chickenshitted his way out of the debate.

    In a worrisome election cycle, your perfectly backward predictions of 2024 debate attendance were always a joy.

  2. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Which was your favorite White House Correspondents Association Dinner that President Donald Trump petulantly ran away from, like a dog with a garbage can lid tied to its tail?

    You're allowed to pick "all of them."

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Donald Trump did not go to WHCA dinners because it is consistent with his view that the correspondents there are the enemy of the people. Why did Comrade tell the Catholic charities to shove her invitation to their Al Smith dinner?

    Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan had this to say about Comrade's rejection of their charitable work:

    "We’re disappointed. We were looking forward to giving the Vice President an enthusiastic welcome. She speaks very much about the high ideals and how it’s good to get away from division and come together and unity and all, and that’s what the Al Smith dinner is all about. We haven’t given up yet. We’re not used to this. We don’t know how to handle it. This hasn’t happened in 40 years since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation, and remember he lost 49 out of 50 states."

  4. Anonymous6:21 PM

    You are the enemy of sincerity. Nothing to say about your pussy-grabbing pussy running away from the debate because he got his ass handed to him by a girl. And worse still, a Black one.

    4 years ago, the National Catholic Reporter's Jamie Manson wrote about "Timothy Dolan, who seems to like to boast about his relationship with Trump almost as much as Trump likes to boast about himself."

    After this event, and his upcoming sentencing appearances, will Donald Trump ever again set foot in New York?

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    It's ontologically impossible to run away from a debate that was never agreed to.

    Only a candidate who is losing clamors for another debate.

  6. Anonymous7:28 PM

    It's ontologically illogical that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump at their debate.

    Or as the candidate who you apparently would say lost that debate clamored and clamored and clamored, "ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!"
