Friday, September 27, 2024

Not a true story

White House transcript:
When I was a senator and I introduced the first effort to ban them, those weapons, I literally was walking through the swamps of eastern — the Northeast Cor- — excuse me, in southern Delaware, down in the area where the r- — where the swamps and rivers are. There was a guy fishing, and he looked at and me and he said, “Biden, what the hell you going to take my gun for? Why are you going to take my assault weapon?” He was fishing. And I said — (laughter) — true story. And I said, “You need that?” And he said, “Yeah.” (Laughter.) I said, “You must be one hell of a lousy shot.” (Laughter.) “And I don’t see a lot of dear running around here wearing Kevlar vests.” (Laughter.) He said, “Well, that’s not” — “Well, why do you have it?” “Well, I hunt.” “You hunt? Like hell.” (Laughter.)
Sure thing, chief.  Kamala covered this up. 


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Definitely a true story, which was told one hour ago

    "What actions will you take to ensure that our jobs stay in America, so we can continue to build the best cars in the world here in Michigan?"

    "So, pretty much as we’ve been saying. And what I wanna do, is I want to be able to. Look, your business, years ago with this area, I was honored as the Man of the Year was maybe 20 years ago oh and the fake news heard about it they said, ‘It never happened, it never happened.’ And I didn’t know who it was it was a group that honored me as Man of the Year. The fakers back there see the fake news. But. They said. They said ‘Oh!’ And it looked and it nkk and you know and they said it never happened. But I said I swear to you it happened it did happen I was Man of the Year. And I came and I made a speech and I said ‘Why do you allow them to take your car business away why do you allow it to happen they’re taking your business away’ and I didn’t know too much about all I know is they were taking your car industry away from you. They said it never happened and luh lo and behold. Somebody said ‘I remember the event’ and then we found out and then we had everything we got the awards we had everything. It DID happen. But I gave a speech which at the time was pretty controversial."

    And THAT'S what Donald Trump will do to ensure that car manufacturing jobs will stay in Michigan.

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Definitely a true story, which was told yesterday

    “Last week, a lot of. People came in from the Congo. A big prison in the Congo in Africa.”

    Must be one of those mass jailbreaks with a stopover at Logan Airport.
