Sunday, August 25, 2024

Politico and Axios

National Review: "Two Publications That Might as Well Be Run by the DNC" - "In a market positively saturated with fawning and propagandistic coverage of the Harris campaign, two Virginia-based newsrooms stand out for their commitment to that mission." 

Related - ABC "News" Jonathan Karl beclowns himself this morning shilling for Harris.


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Republicans hate political bias. They also hate rigged trials.

    Also, the Republican majority on North Carolina's Supreme Court ruled that Justice Phil Berger Jr. will not be recused from two major cases involving his father, the NC Republican Senate leader Phil Berger.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    No more bets, ladies and gentlemen, no more bets. We have a winner.

    The New York Times Opinion page:
    Aug. 26, 2024

    Trump Can Win on Character
    By Rich Lowry
    Mr. Lowry is the editor in chief of National Review.
