Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Good question

Reason: "If Joe Biden Saved the Economy, Why Do We Need Kamala Harris' Price Controls? - Democrats are pushing a jarringly disconnected economic message." 


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    The question "Why would someone want to improve a strong economy?" is too silly to entertain.

    So here are some economic numbers instead.

    Fun Fact:
    The 500+ counties won in 2020 by Joe Biden generated 71% of America’s GDP.
    The 2,500+ counties won in 2020 by Donald Trump generated 29% of America’s GDP.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    "Why would someone want to improve a strong economy?"

    For some reason Harris compulsively wants to do that: "We believe in a future where we lower the cost of living! When I am president, I will bring down the cost of groceries."

    So silly.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I was responding to the gotcha illogic behind Reason's dopey question. "If you've already achieved good stuff, then why would you do more good stuff?"

    Price controls are silly, and economically counterproductive (ask Nixon), and won't happen.

    Except for prescription drugs. Which Donald Trump is now trying to steal Biden's credit for doing.

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Some more economic numbers concerning the already strong economy.

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    The jobs record under Biden is still better than Trump's. Except instead of 18.5 million million more jobs created under Biden than under Trump, now it's only 17.7 million more jobs.

    And yes, the discrepancy is really less than 17.7M, because the Covid pandemic skews the numbers.

    Happily, there's a very simple solution. Even after adjusting for that catastrophe, Biden's economy still wins.

    Now do "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" Unfortunately, the Covid response is included for that one.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Now do "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"

    Ok. Here are the price changes in a number of necessities from four years ago:

    Bread +35.0%
    Eggs +66.0%
    Milk +23.7%

    Electricity +29.9%
    Gasoline +65.6%
    Utility gas +38.3%

    Are we better off now than we were four years ago? Unfortunately, inflation is included for that one.

  7. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Oops, you left out:
    the 2020 GDP and the 2024 GDP;
    broadly shared real wage gains;
    household wealth outpacing income;
    lower personal debt;
    increased home ownership;
    the manufacturing boom;
    plummeting murder rates, violent crime rates and property crime rates;
    fewer migrant border releases;
    falling healthcare costs, falling medication costs and falling uninsured rates;
    falling unemployment rates;
    a soaring stock market;
    massive increases in green energy;
    working supply chains;
    no more bare grocery shelves;
    no more military tear-gassing protesters;
    no more bodies in refrigerator trucks on the street, no president who wanted to stop testing, and no morons taking horse medicine.
    And the massive difference in jobs created, which is where this started.

    But what does any of that mean to the U.S. economy and civilian life, when compared to the price of eggs?

  8. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Yes, you're right - your litany of lies and half-truths does not mean much compared to the price of eggs.

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    You really should have stopped at "Yes, you're right."

    Try saying the same "Nuh-UH!" rejection of reality the next time you pick up a carton of eggs. Be sure to tell us how well your approach worked.
