Friday, August 30, 2024

Damning with faint praise

Of course conservatives are going to opine that Kamala's interview was a train wreck, but a lot of figures on the political left don't seem to think it was great shakes either.

CNN (!) even had to note that she lied about her position on fracking.

Any more interviews planned, Kamala?


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Yesterday, a college student asked Donald Trump a question.

    "As I've been living on my own, buying my own gas and groceries, I've noticed that everything has become more expensive. ...I also would like to buy a home someday, but that seems just impossible. What's your plan to make life more affordable and bring down inflation for someone like me?"

    Trump spelled out his inflation reduction plan:

    “Well, we’re gonna start that up. We’re going to become the energy capital of the world. We’re gonna pay down our debt. And we’re gonna reduce your taxes still further. AND YOUR GROCERIES ARE gonna come TUMBLING DOWN. And your interest rates are going be tumbling down. And then you’re gonna go out and you’re gonna buy A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. Okay? You’re gonna buy a beautiful house. That’s called the AMERICAN DREAM. The American Dream. [pause] Thank you.”

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I'm already going to vote for Trump. You don't have to convince me that his second term will be a BEAUTIFUL thing.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Trump's second term was when he was the true winner of the 2020 election.

    Next up: Red Wave #6!
