Saturday, August 03, 2024

AYFKM with this headline?

New York Times: "Trump Backs Out of ABC Debate and Proposes One With Harris on Fox."

Trump should clarify that he agrees to show up to the September 10th debate with Biden.  


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Anonymous here. I've been out of the country for over a month.

    So... did I miss anything?

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Welcome back, you! Tell us all about the places you went, and the sights you saw! You lucky dog.

    And you must already be gearing up for that even longer trip out of the country you've got scheduled for...when did you say that's going to start, November 6?

  3. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Leave America? Just when the long-promised Civil War by brave MAGA men is certain to happen? No way!

  4. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Well, we don't expect you to actually leave the country, of course.

    Because we all know it wasn't your physical location that made you go silent for those many weeks.

  5. Anonymous9:28 PM

    You got me. I waited for three weeks to pass before mocking the very next day shutdown of your "The Democrats shot Trump!" verdict. I didn't say a word. Because even when wrong, your feelings are important to me.

    Then, the GOP convention was a bust. Then, you lost your Biden punching bag, and your candidate went adrift. Then, unrelenting good news for Democrats unfolded. While a series of excruciating pratfalls befell the Trump/J.D. Dead Weight ticket.

    Naturally, I remained silent. It's just logical.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Wow, you're actually trying to convince not us, but yourself, that the above represents reality. Here's reality...

    Biden's horrific mental un-capacity was exposed in the debate, and then behind your back, without informing or consulting you, the Democrat machine decided that Pedo Joe had to go, even as you were obliviously engaged in arguing that Fetterman proves a vegetable can succeed.

    You stood in horror as you saw, briefly, what the media are like if they're instructed to not be endless apologists for a Democrat candidate, while you simultaneously watched Pelosi and Obama begin rapidly and repeatedly plunging their shivs into Biden's back.

    At the same time, polls showed Trump with a big lead and even lefty propagandists you trusted started speaking of a possible Trump landslide. You couldn't understand this - their shilling must continue ceaselessly, mustn't it?

    Everyone was betraying you, and there seemed nothing to do but to seek shelter under the nearest rock.

    Now, you've crawled out from under your rock to shill for the New Hope that the least-liked and least-accomplished politician in American history can triumph.

    And you're forced to endure the indignity of Pelosi saying that the vacant visage of the President she shivved should now be put on Mount Rushmore.

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    One-Note Trolly is working through some things. Thoughts and prayers.

    You were wondering out loud where I was. I wasn't thinking about you at all.
