Monday, July 29, 2024

What Harris position are we retconning today?

Retcon: "the act, practice, or result of changing an existing fictional narrative by introducing new information in a later work that recontextualizes previously established events, characters, etc."

I’ll say it again: This is creepy. If Harris has changed her position, she should say so. She should not deem correct characterizations of her previous stance as ex post facto illegitimate. And if she’s going to do so, the press should certainly not aid her in the endeavor. The responsible way for Politico to have covered this was to note that, having been criticized by the Trump campaign, Kamala Harris has reversed herself. “Kamala Harris changes her position on fracking” would have been a fair headline. Instead, we got yet another example of the media doing what the media always does: saying anything it has to do to ensure that Democrats are never embarrassed.
Must be nice.  Keep in mind that there are dozens of videos where Kamala endorses topics like seizing guns, stopping fracking, and eliminating private health insurance.  Like the border Czar flim-flam, the media is going to try to convince you it never happened.  

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