Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Democrats with bylines back to their old ways

Charles C. W. Cooke: "It Was Fun Having a Press Corps for a Month."
I wonder if America’s press might be willing to spare at least one of the journalists who are now trying to turn Kamala Harris into the second coming of Jesus Christ and keep him working on the Continuing Story of Joe Biden, who, if they hadn’t forgotten, is still the serving president of the United States — and will be for the next six months. I had predicted that as soon as the media got what it wanted — which was improving the electoral fortunes of the Democratic Party, and nothing else besides — it would drop its sudden interest in telling the truth about Biden’s health and move on, but Good Lord, when one sees it happen those predictions don’t make it any less jarring. If one were to plot the last three years on a timeline, one would end up with an extremely long line marked “Defend Joe Biden,” followed by a short line marked “Get Joe Biden Out Because He’s Losing,” followed by a new line marked “Defend Kamala Harris.” That trajectory marks many things, but none of them are journalism.
"Get Biden out because he's losing?"  Is that why Biden is leaving the race?  Or is it his health?  Why exactly is Biden dropping out of the race?

If we had any honest journalists in Washington, they would ask this question.

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