Sunday, May 12, 2024

Look who's ox is being gored now

Jonathan Turley: "The New York Times Denounces Cancel Culture . . . After Fueling Cancel Culture for Years." - "Recently, however, the mob came for liberal professors and media who have remained silent for years as conservatives and others were targeted on campus. Suddenly, there is a new interest in free speech and academic freedom, including by the Times editors who blamed cancel culture for the recent demonstrations and disruptions on campus."  

Suddenly, indeed.  Tom Cotton was unavailable for comment. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:56 AM

    A sitting 2024 U.S. Senator who is given regular television time was the victim of cancel culture? Oh, the anguish.

    Just because Tom Cotton whined about being canceled in a farcical speech, it doesn’t transform his or your aggrieved emotions into a cultural lynching.

    But then, reality is optional. For example: The silenced and expunged Tom Cotton went on the Sunday morning circuit again this weekend. Your imaginary martyred Cotton may have been “unavailable for comment,” but the actual guy was still on the TV screen like always.

    This time, Senator Cotton said that President Biden is “imposing a de facto arms embargo on Israel” and that Biden is “de facto for Hamas victory.”

    So, add “cancel culture” to the growing list of phrases thrown around willy-nilly by emotional conservatives. It means nothing more than “Grrr, Cotton was properly criticized and I don’t like it.”

    Because de factos don’t care about your de feelingos.
