Monday, May 06, 2024

KJP is an idiot

One of my favorite YouTubers has a new video on the inept White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and he picks up on the exact same question I highlighted on Saturday about the sunsetting Trump tax cuts.  The answer wasn't in KJP's enormous binder and she's incapable of ad-libbing an intelligent answer so the result is a complete mess.  To be clear.  Enjoy:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    KJB may suck, but she never could have cracked the Mount Rushmore of Misinformation.

    Sean Spicer (5 million illegal votes! Obama wiretapped Trump! Biggest inauguration crowd ever!)

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Mueller "exonerated" Trump! We're doing a great job caring for migrant children! "Countless" FBI agents told me personally that they're glad Comey's gone!)

    Stephanie Grisham (The Sharpie map wasn't a lie! General Kelly was "totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President"! Lev Parnas WHO?)

    Kayleigh McEnany (Biden stole the election, and we have the evidence! Trump didn't bungle Covid! Joe Scarborough killed a lady!)

    However, they sure did ad lib answers.
