Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Biden won't debate

Red State: "Joe Biden Tells Inflation Whopper Again, As His Campaign Continues to Crash and Burn."

Here's the transcript from Yahoo Finance.  Dynamo Joe fielded a grand total of three questions, didn't answer two of them, and completely lied on the third by repeating the inflation falsehood.

Jim Geraghty estimates there are three scenarios to explain why Biden lies about inflation (among many other things): 1) he knows he's lying, 2) he was told he lied but already forgot or 3) he wasn't told he lied.  I believe this last scenario:
Another possibility is that Biden misremembers the inflation rate when he took office, said so publicly, and no one around the president has told him, “Mr. President, when you took office, the inflation rate was just 1.4 percent, you can’t go around claiming that it was 9 percent.” Meaning we have a president who operates in a fog of half-truths and illusory claims that reflect the way he wishes things had happened, and no one around the president sees any point in correcting him.
It's just easier to let Dementia Joe mis-remember the awesome job he did then give him some ice cream.

Can you imagine a debate with Trump where these obvious lies are called out in real time?  It would be the bloodbath we were promised.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I wish we Democrats had a presidential candidate who doesn't repeat the stupidest lies over and over again.

    Gotta run, I'm a doctor in a blue state and I have to execute another baby after it's been born.

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    And once again, comedy is all about timing.

    Fox News:
    Biden, Trump to debate June 27, again in September
