Friday, April 05, 2024

Sacrifices had to be made

Ace: "Biden, Having Drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Boost Democrats' Chances for the 2022 Midterms, Now Breaks a Promise and Says He's Not Going to Re-Fill It."

It's a good thing we're not heading for World War 3.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Biden, Having Drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Boost Democrats' Chances for the 2022 Midterms

    The strategy worked, didn't it?

  2. unAnonymous11:21 AM

    I'd give you a high five for the successful strategy, but there's now a more important election coming up, and micromanaging the price of oil, which is once again surging, is no longer an option.

    To say nothing of no longer having the protection of a Strategic Oil Reserve.

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "No longer having the protection" of the "drained" Strategic Oil Reserve = still the world's largest reserve.

    President Biden should just do what Trump actually did, and make up a false story about filling 'er up:

    “We had so much oil we didn’t know what to do with it. We bought a lot of it for very little for the strategic national reserves. Think of it: 75 million barrels, and I bought it for peanuts, and Congress, I had to fight Congress, and the pricing was so crazy and so good.”

    This genius purchase never happened.

    And the Strategic Oil Reserve amount went down under Trump.

  4. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Additional additional context:
    The United States Strategic Oil Reserve is still, as of right this minute, the largest oil reserve held by any country on Earth.

    Senate Democrats called it a "bailout" for the oil industry and stripped it from the Senate's stimulus bill.

    Additional additional additional context:
    And yet Donald Trump boasted that he personally beat the Senate Democrats. And bought the oil anyway for "peanuts." "Because the pricing was so crazy and so good." It's the literal opposite of reality, and yet it doesn't make Trump's 9,000th most farcical lies.

    But don't worry about it. Joe Biden will refill the Strategic Oil Reserve in 2025.
