Thursday, April 18, 2024

Democrats lie - repeatedly - about inflation


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Wall Street Journal:
    ‘Envy of the World’— U.S. Economy Expected to Keep Powering Higher

    Economists lift their growth forecasts in latest Wall Street Journal survey

    The Financial Times:
    US to grow at double the rate of G7 peers this year, says IMF

    The U.S. is on track to grow at double the rate of any other G7 country this year, according to IMF forecasts, as the strength of the world’s biggest economy rocks international markets.

    The projections highlight the U.S. economy’s role as the driver of global growth, as investors across the world scale back their expectations for Federal Reserve interest rate cuts.

    Bonus reassessment:
    Long-term projections of the primary deficit fell every single year of the Biden administration.

    The 2024 projections are lower than those in 2023, which were lower than those in 2022, which were lower than those in 2021.

    Projections have fallen so much that long-term projections of debt are lower now than pre-Covid projections, even though we took on trillions of new debt.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    What else could you expect from people that refuse to live in reality? Truth is not going to be found there

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Reality is that with inflation included, the U.S. currently has the strongest economy on Earth. And some of that recovery and strength is due to Biden's fiscal actions.
