Saturday, April 27, 2024

Biden won't debate

Wall Street Journal: "Biden Says He’ll Debate Trump. When? - Trump claims the President isn’t up to the job. If Biden shuns debates, voters might conclude Trump is right."
Since Mr. Biden took office, according to Politico, he has given interviews to only two print reporters. He speaks only to friendly venues like Mr. Stern’s radio show. (We’re available for an interview on foreign or economic policy, sir.) Meanwhile, Axios reported Friday that Mr. Biden no longer walks solo to Marine One on the White House lawn. Instead he’s surrounded by a phalanx of aides because advisers worry that “videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone—especially across the grass—have highlighted his age.”
Dementia Joe has created a huge problem for his campaign because most Americans expect Presidential debates and pulling out after committing to a debate would look weak.  But the alternative is a forum where Biden can't use notecards or depend on a teleprompter, so that's definitely not an option.

The question isn't when Biden will debate.  It's when will one of his campaign flunkies release a statement with the excuse.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:29 PM
