Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Biden won't debate

Dementia Joe had another Ron Burgundy moment today: "Biden appears to read script instructions out loud in latest teleprompter gaffe: 'Four more years, pause'."

No worries!  The "Oceania has always been at war with East Asia" crew is on the job: "'Redacting Reality': WH Transcript Runs Cover After Joe 'Ron Burgundy' Biden's Teleprompter Struggle."

Every Biden appearance is choreographed, scripted and staged down to every notecard and teleprompter prompt and still he can't get through a single event without a gaffe.  Standing on a stage without a binder full of laminated pages?  It will never happen.

Biden won't debate.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Trump has already run away from a Biden debate.

    Trump has already run away from a Biden debate.

    Trump has already run away from a Biden debate.

    Get out of your bubble. Your candidate is constantly spazzing out and short-circuiting during his own teleprompter readings.

    Also, Trump has already run away from a Biden debate.

    Without a peep of objection from you.

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I've got to blame Biden's staff on this one. Haven't they adequately learned that if they put stage directions in a script, Biden's going to mindlessly parrot them out? Remember "end of quote" and "repeat the line", among others? I'm sorry, but their job description does not include showcasing the mental incapacities of their client.
