Thursday, March 28, 2024

Same ole same ole class warfare

Hot Air: "Democrats Are Still Pushing a Wealth Tax."
Paying more than the bottom 70% is what Democrats call "not paying their fair share." In any case, Biden's claim about billionaires paying an 8% rate is a lie which he has been repeated for three years despite fact checks from every major news outlet pointing out that this is very misleading. In all, he's made this dishonest claim more than 30 times.
As this article notes, Dementia Joe has been fact-checked on this false claim multiple times in multiple different news sources but he keeps on repeating it.  This is why he won't do media interviews anymore: the fear he'll be called out on his multiple, repeated, self-hagiographic lies.

Just like student loans, this is more of Democrats making promises they cannot possibly keep because they are unconstitutional.  But after they falsely raise hopes and then these actions are squashed as illegal, they'll declare "we tried but we were shut down by evil forces!" 

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