Saturday, March 02, 2024

Ego and dementia

John Podhoretz in Commentary: "How can Biden stay in now?

I might have to buy the Sunday NY Times tomorrow just to read about the poll:
If you dig into the crosstabs of the NYT-Siena poll you’ll find that there are a bunch of questions they haven’t yet released the answers to but will (I’m guessing) on subsequent days to keep their poll generating new news. I’m guessing those unreleased numbers have to do with perceptions of Biden and Trump on matters of age, competence, and criminality. And given that the results in this poll dovetail pretty well with the recent NBC News poll released three weeks ago, the age response is likely to be devastating for Biden.
Ever since the Hur report, I've been saying that things are only going to get worse for Dementia Joe.  The economy is slowing, the impeachment hearings are uncovering some unsavory (if not illegal) details, the border is still wide open and yukking it up with Seth Meyers is not going to reverse perceptions that Biden can't handle an unscripted interview.

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