Sunday, February 25, 2024

You don't hate the media enough

National Review: "AP Whitewashes Murder of Nursing Student by Illegal Immigrant"

It's really a mystery why trust in the mainstream media keeps dropping:


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    The General Social Survey has measured these questions since 1972. Here are two of their poll findings from 1990 and 2018.

    1990 confidence in the press —
    Democrats 78%, Republicans 71%

    2018 confidence in the press —
    Democrats 74%, Republicans 31%

    As for Gallup, they keep finding record low trust for EVERY institution included in their poll. From the police to the churches to the Supreme Court to organized labor to the military to medicine to Congress to public schools to small business to big business. Down, down, down. The press is not an outlier.

    Gallup does the same kind of poll as the GSS. In 2022, Gallup found that Republicans now claim to have a 2% confidence rate in the presidency. TWO percent! Shockingly, in 2020, Republican confidence in the presidency had been at 66%.

    The difference is like yin and yang. Where yang believes Biden is a senile mastermind, crime is exploding, and the election was stollen.

  2. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Oh, that liberal Destroy Trump media (South Carolina primary edition):

    The New York Times reported on Joe Biden's winning 95% of the primary vote, calling the result "an uncertain measure of wider enthusiasm.”

    While Trump's support in the GOP primary fell just shy of 60% — which the New York Times characterized as a "crushing blow" that has him "barreling towards the nomination.”

    You just can't trust 'em!

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Well, I myself would call winning only 95% of the vote when you're essentially the only one on the ballot "an uncertain measure of wider enthusiasm".

    And beating Haley by 20 percentage points in her home state, in which she campaigned full-time, outspent him 3 to 1, and ended up with him having a 6 to 1 advantage in delegate votes? If that's not "barreling towards the nomination.” then I don't know what is.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Well, I myself would call winning only 95% of the vote when you're essentially the only one on the ballot "an uncertain measure of wider enthusiasm".

    Of course you would, sweetie. Of course you would.

    The New York Times described the Trump primary result correctly.

    But the Times felt compelled to project "evenhandedness" by reinterpreting a near-perfect pro forma result in a functionally meaningless election into an ominous storm cloud.

    This is the newspaper that some people say is "in the tank" for Biden.

  5. unAnonymous8:30 PM

    The NYT was"in the tank" for Biden. But that was before the gathering momentum to replace him.

    Which brings up a serious question for you, Anonymous. Do you fully support Biden being the Democrat nominee, or would you prefer someone else replacing him?
