Monday, February 12, 2024

Reminder: Merrick Garland green-lit the Hur report

The Attorney General in charge of the Biden Department of Justice could have redacted or held back the report, but he allowed it to be released in full:
Still, releasing it at all was Garland’s decision, noted Barr’s former deputy, Rod Rosenstein, particularly because Hur recommended no charges against anyone involved. Rosenstein noted that prosecutors regularly write documents explaining their decisions not to bring charges. And those documents are typically kept secret.

“Rob Hur didn’t issue a public report,” Rosenstein said. “He wrote a confidential internal memo. Attorney General Garland made the decision to release it.”
Yes, it would have created a political firestorm for the DOJ, especially with no charges filed.  But Garland released the Hur report without any redactions or spin as Bill Barr did with the Mueller report.


  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    You do know that Trump's ludicrous "PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!" defense was disparaged and exploded by a federal court, right? Actual news story.

    You do know that Trump said he would encourage Russia to invade NATO countries in Europe, right? Actual news story. Fifty times worse and more reckless than anything Joe Biden has ever said.

    But if it's gonna be "all senile, all the time"...

    Here's pantsless lawyer Alan Dershowitz, talking about the Hur report to Maria Bartiromo:

    “[Hur] was just wrong about the law. But he was also wrong about how trials are conducted. How would the jury find out about Biden’s bad memory? Biden would have to introduce it.”

    “Hur was also wrong in going as far as he went in trying to do a medical diagnosis of somebody who he hadn't examined. Or who hadn’t been examined medically.”

    “I think this report is gonna really cause us to think hard about the role of special counsel. He was wrong in everything he possibly could've done.”

    “He’s supposed to be laying out the elements of the crime, and not making predictions about how the jury will assess the evidence. That’s up to the jury itself. So he went way beyond the scope of what he should be doing.”

    “The report itself is a disaster.”

    “A D-minus with grade inflation to Mr. Hur.”

  2. Community Notes10:39 AM

    Readers added context they thought people might want to know

    Alan Dershowitz also compared the Trump classified documents case with Biden's.

    He "derided what he perceived to be a double standard in the justice system following special counsel Robert Hur's decision not to charge President Joe Biden over his handling of classified materials, a move he contrasted with special counsel Jack Smith's case against former President Donald Trump."

    "I'd like the decision not to prosecute Joe Biden if it was followed by a prosecutorial decision not to prosecute Donald Trump," he said. "You can't have two different laws for similar acts, you have to have one single standard of justice."

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The first post's entire point is "Even a bitter old gnarled sock like Alan Dershowitz is able to see..."

    An atypical moment of accuracy doesn't make Captain Underpants Dershowitz anything but a sad clown.

    Anyone who thinks the Trump and Biden classified documents mishandling cases are equivalent misdeeds, and that prosecuting them differently is a "double standard" is either:
    (1) trying to sell an alibi,
    (2) sucking up to Trump,
    (3) very stupid,
    (4) or pretending to be very stupid.

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Returning to something weightier than Joe Biden's halting speech pattern...

    Seriously, just imagine Eisenhower or Reagan encouraging Khrushchev or Brezhnev to attack France or Italy in order to get them to cough up more money. They would've likely faced immediate calls for impeachment from members of their own Republican Party. How's it going today?

  5. unAnonymous6:04 PM

    Anon: My best and only legal expert on the Hur report's credibility is Alan Dershowitz. He says the report was wrong in every conceivable way. So that settles it!

    C.N: Dershowitz also said that Trump being prosecuted, but not Biden, is a double standard.

    Anon: He did? How ridiculous! Don't listen to that sad clown, he's a stupid Trump toady!

  6. Anonymous9:16 PM

    That's right. Only one human out of 335 million Americans has attacked Hur's report. Just him. No one else.

    And lo and behold, Alan Dershowitz's accurate criticism of Hur makes ALLLLL of Dershowitz's previous nonsense and bad assessments and Trump sycophancy go away. Stopped clock salvation.

    Our sparkling Buffoonery Notes' apparent goal is to run the entire board of behaviors at the same time:
    (1) trying to sell an alibi,
    (2) sucking up to Trump,
    (3) very stupid,
    (4) or pretending to be very stupid.

    Anything's worth a try, no matter how strained or dumb, to avoid talking about Donald Trump's declaration that he would support Russia and not Europe.

  7. unAnonymous10:08 AM

    Of your own free will, you and you alone chose to use Alan Dershowitz as your legal expert to present the authoritative condemnation of Hur's report. And you quoted him voluminously in many paragraphs.

    Then, someone presents some additional minor context, and you launch into a frantic campaign to destroy the credibility of your own chosen expert witness out of 335 million Americans.

    This stuff is just so much fun.

  8. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly"
    --Proverbs 26:11

    Someone doesn't want to acknowledge the basic and obvious reason why quoting Dershowitz's words is funnier for me, and more painful for him.

  9. unAnonymous10:56 AM

    Dershowitz's quoted words were indeed painful, but not the ones presented by you.

    And you so beautifully confess to that still lingering pain by waiting almost a week before sneaking out to salve your wounds with "the last word."
