Sunday, February 04, 2024

Remember when "it's a banana, how much could it cost, $10?" was a joke?

Reason: "The Bankruptcy of Bidenomics - Biden's economic policies gave us three years of excessive, wasteful, and poorly targeted federal spending." 


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "What happens to a 2024 Republican dream deferred?"

    President Biden's economic policies and targeted federal spending have given the United States the strongest and broadest 2024 recovery of any advanced nation.

    Number after number after number continues to go the Democrats' way. Inflation, consumer confidence, the stock market, job reports, wages, GDP growth, productivity, oil, gas and green energy production, energy prices, private sector investment...all of these are exceeding predictions.

    This week, Biden-basher Larry Kudlow finally conceded defeat on Fox Business:

    “Mea culpa. I was wrong about the slowdown, and the recession. And so was the entire forecasting community. The Feds, everyone was wrong.”

  2. unAnonymous8:13 PM

    You've convinced me the economy is going gangbusters.

    So that means we have to find something else to explain why Biden's re-election prospects are circling the drain.

    What would you suggest?
