Monday, February 26, 2024

President Unity tries to speak

PJ Media: "Biden Says 'I Wanna Get This Quote Exactly Right' Before Hilariously Failing."

And, you know, standing here in front of this portrait of the man behind me here, he — he said — and I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right.  He said, “We — the better angels” — he said, “We must address the counsel — and adjust the better angels of our nature.”  And we do the — and we do well to remember what else he said.  He said, “We’re not enemies, but [we’re] friends.”  This is in the middle of — this is in the — in the part of the Civil War.  He said, “We’re not enemies, but [we’re] friends.  We must not be enemies.” 
This "speech" (I guess) was during a dinner for the National Governor's Association.  The previous day, Dementia Joe gave an address that was noteworthy because he avoided his usual badmouthing of Republicans.

Have no fear, though.  Dementia Joe is doing a lot of campaign receptions and the "better angels of our nature" will be stopped by the Secret Service at the door so Biden can run through his enemies list.


  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Unity: Some House Republicans say they're looking into blocking Biden from giving his State of the Union address in the House chamber.

    Can't say as I blame them. Not after the way Biden embarrassed the GOP in last year's speech with his quick and well-received comebacks to their bleacher bum heckling.

    Make sure to vote on "November 27th" for Donald J. "We are an institute of a powerful death penalty."

    Still nothing about the currently imprisoned key Comer witness who lied about the Bidens the way Russian agents told him to?

  2. unAnonymous10:11 AM

    Robinette's immortal "better angels" debacle, as hilarious as it was, is mild compared to his incoherence when he doesn't have an actual script in his hands.

  3. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Here's video of your Great Communicator from 3 days ago.

    He needs a card to read all of his own children's names.

    Well, almost all. You can't expect the very stable genius to score 100 on every cognitive test.
