Monday, February 05, 2024

Poison pill

What fresh hell is this?  Twitchy: "Border Bill Gives US District Court in DC 'Sole and Original Jurisdiction' Over Challenges to Law."

This is like handing over sole power on immigration law to Sonia Sotomayor.  No sale.


  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Actual headline today: Senate Republicans threaten to block border security bill they negotiated

    But what else should anyone have expected from the post-policy Republican Party?

    The GOP was poised for a conservative legislative victory. Then Donald Trump ordered the House majority and the Senate minority to punch themselves in the face.

    The members have obliged.

  2. unAnonymous9:33 AM

    Actual headline never: Senate and House Republicans decide to perpetuate Biden's border invasion and share the blame for it

    Your comments on this situation indicate you were so hoping they would get your sack of dementia off the hook, and you're seething now that they have turned back from that.


  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    "Seething"? Every every every Republican accusation is a confession.

    Try "smirking." And don't blame me that your Party Of No's deep throating of Trump and its utter lack of legislative accomplishment are the story.

    An actual caravan of more headlines for you to fakely heh heh heh at. Most are from the past 24 hours:

    Republicans to Change Border Bill They Just Crafted

    In Huge Reversal, GOP Poised to Kill the Border-Ukraine Package It Demanded

    An act of staggering bad faith

    The border security bill is like the Obamacare repeal debacle all over again

    Senate Republicans are imperiling border deal to help Trump

    Republicans line up to sink Senate border bill negotiated by one of their own

    Video: GOP Senators 'seething' at House Republicans opposing border deal

    Why the GOP wants to impeach Mayorkas but not pass the border deal

    Senate GOP split threatens bipartisan border deal as Trump looms large

    Far-right Republican House is tanking a border bill. Again.

    Senate GOP will block border deal, leaving Ukraine in limbo

    Why Mike Johnson is Having a MAGA Meltdown Over the Birder Deal

    If Speaker Johnson denies border deal, he hands Biden campaign leverage

    In scuttling bipartisan border deal, GOP shows it wants chaos, not solutions

    McConnell and Border Patrol union back embattled Senate border deal

    Chamber of Commerce calls for immediate passage of border bill

    Inside the GOP infighting over the bipartisan border deal

    Senate GOP floats tactical retreat on border deal

    On the Border, Republicans Set a Trap, Then Fell Into It

    The GOP Owns the Border Now.

    Trump throws cold water on border deal — again

    Senate announces plan for Ukraine-Border deal — Trump calls it "meaningless"

    Trump hates the border bill so much that he's falsely claiming he didn't endorse a GOP senator

    You can probably guess why Trump is dead set against the border bill

    Trump is 'playing politics' with border deal

    GOP senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise

    Democrats lean in on border security as Republicans scuttle deal

    Biden blames Trump for border deal now teetering on collapse

    Border Bill Negotiators Say Deal Could Help Trump — Will MAGA Listen?

    New York Post: Set aside border negotiations, pass aid for Ukraine and Israel now

    Toby Keith Dies at 62 and Senate GOP Threatens Border Bill

    My, that's a lot of seething.

    Again, all of these headlines are quite fresh. Expect more.

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Poor James Lankford. The Oklahoma Senator has just indicated that he may vote against his own border bill.

    It's like John Kerry on steroids and fentanyl:
    "I negotiated and drafted it, before I was against it."

  5. Anonymous4:25 PM

    By the end of the week, Senator Lankford will be demanding his own resignation.

  6. unAnonymous8:44 PM

    "Seething"? Yeah, the word is plainly inadequate.

    Look at the clear, beautiful tell in your initial comment...

    The GOP was poised for a conservative legislative victory.

    As if you would ever root for a GOP victory of any kind. Who do you think you're kidding? You're seething and now raving because at the last minute, Republicans decided not to relieve Biden of the political reckoning his border fiasco will cause.

  7. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Indicate... so hoping... seething... the tell... seething... raving...

    I wonder what words you imagine you're reading. I cheer up when Republicans fuck up.

    You know who's actually seething?

    GOP senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise

    James Lankford is noticably pissed off, too. But even he's going to be a good Trump doggie.

    Meanwhile, over here on Planet Earth, the GOP House just shit the bed on the impeachment votes, then on the "are you SURE you meant to vote that way?" do-over impeachment vote, and then on an Israel-but-not-Ukraine vote.

    Republicans who can count to 216 must be seething.

  8. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Bryan Taylor Cohen:
    1) Republicans strategically scheduled a vote while a Democrat was undergoing surgery so he’d be absent.

    2) Democrat rushes from the hospital to go vote, causing Republicans to fail.

    3) Marjorie Taylor Greene says there was a conspiracy by Democrats “hiding” members to “throw us off.”

    Antonio Arellano:
    74-year-old Texas Rep. Al Green unexpectedly wheeled in wearing hospital scrubs and no shoes after surgery, and tipped the scale to BLOCK the impeachment of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas.

    I want to know. Is this what seething feels like?

  9. unAnonymous9:22 AM

    I can only offer you my deepest and most heartfelt condolences that the "conservative GOP victory" which you longed for so fervently, didn't happen.

    You'll have better prospects for such victories after November though, I think.

  10. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Eek! Oh no, not another red wave election!
