Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Now that it's a political problem

I found this explanation from Jim Geraghty as to why the immigration bill got squashed to be best:
The key problem with the border-security bill is that it required congressional Republicans to trust Joe Biden to take a wide range of actions to deter illegal immigration in the final year of his term, when he has done so little to do so during the first three years of his term.


There is little evidence that Joe Biden worries about high levels of illegal immigration per se. Joe Biden worries about the political fallout from high levels of illegal immigration, or more specifically, the political fallout from the perception that Biden can’t or won’t do anything about high levels of illegal immigration. Congressional Republican skeptics concluded that even if Biden were given what he wanted in this deal, Biden’s goal would be to change the perception of the insecure border, not change the facts of the insecure border.
I don't think anybody outside the insane asylum of MSNBC is going to buy this cock-and-bull story that, gosh darn it, Dementia Joe would defend the border if only he had this extra funding.  This bill has provisions allowing the President to suspend deportations at will.  It's useless to expect Biden to enforce new laws when he's ignored the old ones.


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The Cato Institute:
    “The Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden. In absolute terms, the Biden DHS is removing 3.5 times as many people per month as the Trump DHS did.”

    [This is] what Republican priorities really are. When Mike Johnson was elevated to the House speakership, he claimed that he genuinely wanted to help Ukraine but that aid had to wait until Congress passed new laws to harden the U.S. southern border. He wrote to President Joe Biden as recently as December 5 that further aid to Ukraine was “dependent upon enactment of transformative change to our nation’s border security laws.” When Senate negotiators produced exactly what Johnson said he wanted—a transformative bill that Congress could enact—he responded by reversing his demands. Johnson no longer wants any law at all. But one thing is constant: no aid to Ukraine—which suggests that “no aid to Ukraine,” not “defend the border,” is the true priority here.

    …Along with their speaker, House Republicans radically altered their position from “there must be a new law” to “there must be no new law,” and from “the president must sign our bill exactly as we wrote it” to “the president must act unilaterally by executive authority only.”
    Republicans don’t really care all that much about the situation at the border. A real “existential threat” cannot wait for some later date.

  2. Community Notes10:16 AM

    Readers added context they thought people might want to know

    Although the Cato report does state that there are 3.5 times more illegal alien removals under Biden than under Trump, it also includes numbers showing that there are about 3.5 times more illegal alien encounters under Biden than Trump.

    For an approximately 2 year period, total DHS reported encounters under Trump were 1,365,529. A comparable period under Biden produced 5,022,027 encounters.

    The Cato report does not offer an explanation as to why so many more illegal aliens try to enter the US under Biden than did so in the past.


  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    It's good to have silent confirmation of the first two statements' accuracy.

    And contextual data that shows Biden's border security has been the equal of Trump's.

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I found this explanation from Jim Geraghty as to why the immigration bill got squashed to be best.

    Nah, this explanation as to why the immigration bill got squashed is much clearer and more direct.

    GOP Senator James Lankford, speaking on the floor of the Senate today, repeating what he was told by a fellow Republican:

    “If you are trying to move a bill that solves the border crisis during the election, I will do everything to destroy you.”
